No matter what kind of business you own, you may find that you want to obtain a liquor license. Your liquor license will help you sell more items and build up your business so that you can become more successful. Want some tips for getting your license? This information will help you with the process.
Understand Your State's Laws
Each state has its own set of laws regarding what kind of businesses can have liquor licenses. For example, some states place quotas on how many businesses can have liquor licenses, which means you need to approach your license application with care. Your first step is to read through the laws and understand where your business fits in with the regulations. Make any changes as necessary before you begin the official process to save time.
When you understand your state's laws, it also allows you to understand the documents you need to gather to compile your application. For example, do you know if you need a floorplan of your business?
Know What You Want
Your state will likely offer one of two different licenses. An off-license allows you to sell alcohol individuals can take to consume elsewhere, while an on-license allows you to serve alcohol people can consume at the site of your business.
You also need to know what kind of alcohol you will serve. For example, if you plan to own a bar, you will need a tavern license. If you own a business, like a theater that sells wine and beer, you will need a wine and beer license that will not include hard alcohol sales. If you own a restaurant, you may need a special license that limits how much money you make from the sale of alcohol compared to food. Understand that each locale may have different types of liquor licenses beyond this scope.
Complete Your Application Honestly
When you submit your application, ensure that you have fulfilled all the requirements and have been completely honest. Failure to provide honest answers could mean that you do not receive your license now or in the future. If you are not sure about something, ask a consultant for more information.
Ask For Help As Needed
With these tips, you have a better chance of obtaining your liquor license. Still need help? Consultants like those at Arizona Liquor Industry Consultants can help you through the process of filling out your application and ensuring you have the best chance of getting your liquor license.